Thread: Nl200 AA in rr
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Old 03-02-2007, 03:46 AM
Cue-Ball 66 Cue-Ball 66 is offline
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Default Re: Nl200 AA in rr

I almost always bet flop. You're never far behind. Obviously you're checking to try and get some value out of the hand. But I'd definitely be betting atleast $30 on the flop.

It's hard for him to fold with any hand at all for half pot, and he may just decide to push being semi-short if he has an average hand. Clearly you're not scared of being behind on the flop...if he has a set with under 75BB in a RR pot you're going to the felt.

Basically I just think you have too much equity on the flop to forego getting any money in. Also, checking like you did opens up tough turn spots when you miss, as you saw. And whilst the deck is weighted in your away free cards is never really too great.

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I dont think $30 is a good number, that represents that we are strong and not afraid of that flop in anyway, I think 2-3 or a pot sized bet looks a lot more scared then a $30 bet on that flop.

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I don't disagree.

$30 is the minimum I would bet, but 2/3 - 3/4 is probably a better number.

I don't, however, think $30 is necessarily bad. It all depends on opponent and his/your image. If you vary your bet sizes a lot then it's alright...but if you're the kind of player that always clicks 'bet pot', an unusually small bet would set off alarm bells.
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