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Old 03-01-2007, 02:49 PM
rush66 rush66 is offline
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Default bookmaker/betcris IP address problem? Please help

I posted this on fezzik's but im posting it here too just in case someone will know.

Here is the deal. The server I use has betcris and bookmaker blocked. However, I found that if I use betcris's ip address, I could use it perfectly. I obtained this by using tracert in my command window. The problem is, now as a U.S. customer ive been moved to bookmaker. When I used tracert for bookmaker I get because the sites are connected. Is there anyway I can get a disctinct IP address from bookmaker. There has to be some way I can continue to get around this problem. HTTPS does not for for those wondering and anonymous ip sites are also blocked. Please help me. Someone out there must know. Thanks.
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