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Old 02-27-2007, 03:21 PM
TripSearching TripSearching is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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Default Re: Can long-term hard drug usage improve your life?

I have done LSD between 5 and 10 times from the age of 18-23. Everytime I did this drug, I always came to major conclusions about myself, my life and my surroundings during the self revelation period that always comes towards the end of any hallucigenic. These conslusions always made me a better person and I truly believe that I am the person I am today for the better because of my acid use. I know this might not answer the question as OP seems to be referring to hard drug use consistently over a long time frame and not 2x a year for 5 years but I still think this is an example of hard drugs allowing for something positive. Plus I tripped balls everytime which is cool.
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