Thread: OT: Pooh-bah
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Old 02-27-2007, 02:19 AM
sippin_criss sippin_criss is offline
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Default Re: OT: Pooh-bah

Wow, come play golf with me & MikeMcQ1 & show us how it's done. You have a cross post of your golf story anywhere? I'm very interested.

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I started when I was 11, (I'm 20 now) and had a $50 set of Betty Jamieson Northwesterns that I beat the crap of for a couple years. As soon as I got a membership I'd spend all day at the golf course and play like 36-54 holes a day. I'm originally from Northern British Columbia so we only had a 5-6 month season which sucked, not to mention the swarms of mosquitoes and constant bear sightings on the golf course. The long days were nice though, I remember coming off the course at 11 PM on June 21 and you could still see your ball flying in the air. I pretty much went crazy every winter since there was a million feet of snow, I'd spend hours chipping and putting in the basement putting holes in the wall, and I also had a net set up in my garage that I could hit balls into so I'd stay sane. I didn't ever have any great results in any major junior tournaments, but there wasn't much to offer in our area and my family couldn't afford to fly me all over the place. When I was 16 I shot a 66 (-6) and tied the course record at my home course, that was pretty exciting for me. I shot 66 a pile of times there after that as well but for some reason could never get over it. I shot my best tournament score in a junior tournament when I was 18, I started off the front 9 pretty unimpressive I was 1 over, then I just went stupid and birdied 6/9 holes on the back and shot a 29. No one could believe it because usually nobody in those crappy tournaments even broke par.

I applied to a bunch of schools in the US to try and get a scholarship, but I didn't go about things as good as I should have and wasn't offered anything affordable. School in the states is crazy expensive. I went to college for a year in Victoria doing professional golf management but I was so deadset on becoming a pro golfer I couldn't handle the thought of doing anything else so I quit. I've been working at it the past couple years but not even close to the level I want to, I haven't improved close to as much as I'd hoped to by now, but I haven't really had the opportunity to have it as my only focus. Starting in March I'm going to spend every day, all day, playing and practicing golf. If I can get down to a +3 or so in the next few months I will tryout for the Canadian Tour in June, and if I'm not ready for that then hopefully September. Either way I've got all the time in the world and I'm eventually going to make it happen, hopefully sooner rather than later.
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