Thread: F'in ugly names
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Old 02-27-2007, 01:32 AM
boxedIn boxedIn is offline
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Default F\'in ugly names

What names come across as just so goddamn ugly that you would never imagine naming your child it? I mean names that are relatively common, don't have an available nickname that works, and whenever you hear them, you would never ever picture a hot, sexy girl - you'd picture a frumpy librarian who's a stuck up snooty bitch? The kind of name that makes a person go by their middle name/made-up name, and that they would only admit to someone they've known for decades.

I've started my list, let's hear from others.

(Note: I'm not purposefully excluding men from this list, but I honestly can't think of a ugly male name ... men just aren't judged on beauty so much. )

Violet (this one should be beautiful, but whenever I hear it I think of Screech's girlfriend with those glasses and hair)
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