Thread: Coping with ADD
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Old 02-27-2007, 01:14 AM
Heir_Aparent Heir_Aparent is offline
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Default Re: Coping with ADD

Interesting post Justin, thanks for sharing. About 6 months ago I started taking stratera (rather than the other two you listed due to the fact it is not a stimulant) and have noticed significant benefits in many aspects of my life (poker, school, etc.)I also started lexapro (anxiety medication) a few months before stratera so it's hard to be entirely sure of the specific affects of each medicine. Regardless, i'd be interested in knowing what side affects you experienced specifically from stratera- the only thing ive experienced is a tendency to sleep a lot and be capable of sleeping whenever I feel like it.

Also, I want to echo your sentiments regarding your poker play, specifically multi-tabling. Playing becomes practically robotic after a certain number of hands, even at the highest level of SnG's. It becomes much easier to play a hand optimally especially towards the end stages of a tourny, thus enabling someone to easily 6-10 table. One thing i've come to realize is that I simply could/can NOT achieve this in cash games. I can only do 2-3 table maximum, beyond that, my play deteriorates rapidly (and really after 1-2 shorthanded tables it starts its downward turn). Obviously, this is the case for everyone as more tables takes a naturally negative toll on your play, but I found it particularily true for me as I often utilize several other ways of stimulating myself while playing online.

I guess the reason i'm posting is that I urge you to look into possible medication alternatives or dosages. It may or may not prove to be beneficial, but I believe without a doubt its worth a second trial or at the very least further research. I've defenitely noticed increased attentiveness when playing live poker and its had immense benefits to my online play. I struggled with lack of impulse control in decision making for a long time but have improved vastly in that respect of my game. I'd like to organize my thoughts and write more, but I don't really have time ATM.

anyways good thread all
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