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Old 02-26-2007, 11:41 PM
Paluka Paluka is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
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Default Re: tell us about your job

What do you do? Equity options trader

Do you like it? Yes, quite a bit.

What makes you in particular well-suited or poorly-suited for your work? I have pretty strong analytical skills and good gambling/gaming instincts.

What kind of people do best in your work? Strong analytical thinkers who are able to evaluate situations quickly and without bias.

What qualifications are necessary for people considering work in the same field as you? Nothing.

What is a typical day like? This would take a longer answer, but I'll sum it up quickly. I get to my office around 8:15 and check over yesterday's stuff and talk with co-workers about any work issues. At 8:45 I head down to the trading floor to get ready for the day. Market is open from 9:30-4:00 and I'm trading all day.

What kind of problems do you encounter? Only problem is that nobody is a perfect trader.

What are the biggest (most common) sources of frustration and elation? Winning and losing

How much can one expect to make in your position? I know options traders who make less than 100k a year, I know many that make over $1 million.
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