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Old 02-26-2007, 11:05 PM
robinsons robinsons is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 192
Default Re: tell us about your job

I am bored at my job, so I will tell you about it.

What do you do? poker / internet consultancy stuff.

Do you like it? Not much. it provides money, but I feel like my life is missing a major component that itneeds to make it complete.

What makes you in particular well-suited or poorly-suited for your work? logical, disciplined, lack of ego, able to access situations without getting emotionally involved

What kind of people do best in your work? intelligent/disciplined people who are willing to work hard for themselves and don't like working for someone else

What qualifications are necessary for people considering work in the same field as you? none

What is a typical day like? wake up around midday. go out for a walk to wake up and have a cig. read 2+2 for an hour or so while having breakfast and waking up. reply to emails/do some coding for an hour or two. play poker until 6. chill and make make food, then either go out or play poker til about midnight, get food, relax for a few hours and go to bed.

What kind of problems do you encounter? don't meet people outside of my social group. when I was working at a company I used to curse these people, however now I miss the social interaction with other people even if I think they're [censored].

What are the biggest (most common) sources of frustration and elation? most people would probably say long losing stretches, however I really am past them now. my biggest problem is prolonged stretches where I don't meet new people and feel like I'm just stuck at home with nothing going on in my life and I'm gonna die lonely when I'm 60.

How much do you make? who's to say, but I'd be surprised if it's outside 250-400k this year.

How much can one expect to make in your position? depends totally on how much you are willing to put into it (and now where you live).
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