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Old 02-26-2007, 04:26 AM
Micturition Man Micturition Man is offline
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Default Re: This business of adjusting to the ante structure

Yes the Bellagio 3-6 has a $75 ante.

As for your specific points of disagreement I don't care to argue them further, but this is what it boils down to:

In one game you are getting 2.33:1 on a steal (Bellagio 3-6).

In the other you are getting 1.3:1 (the Pokeroom 10-20 someone mentioned).

I don't see how anyone who understands gambling can deny that this plainly has a big impact on optimal* 3rd street play.

*(Optimal play is the critical point here. If people are playing significantly too loose then it no longer makes sense to speak of optimal play).

Also my comment about actually reading your post meant that the first time I just skimmed it briefly because I knew from your topic sentence exactly what my answer would be.

Oh and one final thing. Even if everyone is playing in loose games steal equity always becomes significant on occasion - when everyone has folded to you in a late position.
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