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Old 02-25-2007, 03:18 PM
OnlinePro OnlinePro is offline
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Default Re: Contact Info

I highly doubt politicians read any letters sent to them, they most likely have assistants who categorize them in piles and just continue to stack them up. These guys are too busy golfing or taking paid vacations to Tahiti with our tax dollars.

Boy am i proud to be american.

Not like any other country is better, but we are America we need to start to set an example for people around the world and make our citizens proud.

Best the patriotizm boom post 9-11 I havent met more than 5 people since 2003 who have said they are proud to be american.

Busch had a big oppurtunnity when 9-11 happend as we as a people were as united as ever, but as usual he phucked that up along with everything else.
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