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Old 02-25-2007, 01:25 PM
ElSapo ElSapo is offline
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Default Re: High-end Dining: Expectations and Reviews

My girlfriend and I did this wine pairing last night. The winemaker was there and seating was done communally. There were basically three long tables and about 40 people overall.

The price was $90, not including tax and tip. Not a bad deal, I thought, given that you taste six wines and have a decent meal. The food was solid but not great. I think that comes from trying to time 40 plates to come out about right.

The amuse course was fun - served with a plastic "spork" stuck into the arincini (traditionally this is fried risotto in a ball, though this was more of a puree). The parfait was served in a small plastic cup. Both were really good.

The foie gras was probably my favorite course. The tart cherry compote (is was more of a thick sauce really, streaked across the plate) really worked with the rich, buttery foie gras. When you combined the two flavors they elevated each other. At first I thought the wine was a mistake, as it didn't seem crisp enough to cut through (it was semi-sweet but with a dry finish), but after a couple of bites it all worked much better together. I think it's amazing how a wine's flavor seems to change as you drink and eat more.

The risotto was a good dish, but it came out merely warm - otherwise it was excellent. The prawns were excellent. I wasn't a huge fan of the Nebbiolo; seemed a little thin for my taste, but it was a good match with the rich risotto.

The third course was merely ok. The sirloin was cooked to medium (a little too done for me, but oh well, we weren't asked) and the braised shortrib was tender and flavorful. The course just seemed like an afterthought, if that makes sense - almost a letdown after the two before. The parsnip puree was excellent though.

HOWEVER, the Block 11 Cab was phenomenol. Big and bold and well balanced. It seemed a shame to taste it next to the Zin, which was completely overwhelmed. The Block 11 sells for somewhere around $45 or $50, while the other wines are around half that.

The Dessert was oddly not accompanied by a wine selection or drink, which seemed odd. It was good, but just average really. Solid but not spectacular, and like the beef plate seemed oddly out of place.

Overall, this meal was sort of incongruous. Some good wines, some good dishes, but it didn't really gel as a whole. That probably has everything to do with it being a 40-person tasting. Overall, I was really happy. And damn, I want that Cab again...
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