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Old 02-24-2007, 03:26 PM
Ruprecht Ruprecht is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 98
Default Re: Melinda vs. Lakisha - thoughts


I think there is an argument to be made for at least a few of the winners being the best singer, even though it is extremely subjective.

Carrie, Kelly, and even Fantasia could be argued FOR (All 3 have been nominated for Grammy least 2 have won). Clay and Reuben both good singers, just depends on what you like.

You may be right that Melinda does not make top 6, since she is older and not "hot" looking. But she has serious singing talent-- as good as anyone to ever be on AI. Betting against a terrific singer is not the road to riches.
It is tough to determine the winner on this show. Lots of unknowns and unknowables. But I think Brandon is worth a shot now at 20-1. He has talent (otherwise, he would not be singing backup to some stars), and his price is down due to one bad week. I don't know if he will straighten it out, but he has little downside and great upside.

I bet Melinda early at an excellent price, and I still think she has value at +400 or more. I doubt you will ever hear the judges say she was "pitchy". She is just a great singer. Whether she will be popular among AI viewers is a more difficult call. But I can limit my losses in the long-term markets by bailing out. I am not necessarily stuck with her all season, just looking to make a profit.
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