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Old 02-23-2007, 12:35 AM
stormstarter28 stormstarter28 is offline
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Default Interesting religious occurrence today, thoughts?

My friend just told me a story today, and I wanted to know how you guys (particularly atheists) would explain it. Let me preface by saying I do not believe that this proves the existence of God. However, many atheists on here claim there is no God because they come up with scenarios that Christians ignore/can't explain, but not too many discuss it the other way around. Here it goes...

A friend from my church was at lunch with her friend. She saw a girl sitting at another table, and felt like God wanted her to go talk to the girl. She ignored it at first, thinking it was her own thoughts, but then the girl kept looking at her, and her friend asked her if she knew the girl, so she finally decided she should go talk to her. (Keep in mind, it is not normal for my friend to just start talking to strangers based on God telling her to) She said, "You might think I'm crazy, but God told me to come talk to you, and to tell you that I know something horrible happened in your past, but that if you don't stop looking in your rearview mirror, you're going to crash." The girl responded by saying, "When I was 19, I had a baby and gave her up for adoption, and I've regretted it ever since, and today is her birthday."

I just want to know what you guys think about this, and why things like this happen every day.
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