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Old 02-22-2007, 03:45 PM
ATauO1 ATauO1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 33
Default Re: I keep hooking up with girls then not wanting anything to do with them

I speak only the truth- we are manwhores. We love women and love the chase even more. We nail them, we move on. We have skills most people never thought existed. We can nail girls who are best friends/roommates and they never ever find out. We can meet a girl for the first time and "know" she will give it up- We can spot the weak ones as soon as we go somewhere. We know the signs women give when they want to "get it on"... But we grow tired of this life- and want something more. Most girls we do, we find a fault in them that we don't like and thats why we don't call them back or lose interest. I guess we are perfectionists... My manwhore days are past me now and I wouldn't trade those days for anything, great, great, times... But I must teach you our motto we live (lived) by... "I don't regret the things I have done, just the girls I didn't do" live it up man... But keep your eyes open because one or two of those girls, oneday, you will look back and know you let them slip through your hands, they could of made you happy...
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