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Old 02-21-2007, 01:47 PM
Alex-db Alex-db is offline
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Default Re: How did life begin?

Obviously, dont you love it when things are made obvious cause they are undeniable. Im a pitiful clown, it all makes sense now. TYVM

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Phil gave a great little answer to how life may have begun, from lava to simple cells. How was your invisible God created? Really there is no answer at all to that. You can’t just say, well, I don’t understand how the sun keeps shining so it must be God. The God idea simply doesn’t answer anything. It’s just an idea that is completely untestable and so is without merit in the OP’s discussion. Phil may have been a bit harsh, but he at least is trying to logically address the OP.

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You treat this like science class, thats the problem

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"Science" isn't a wierd esoteric methodology, it just means finding out about the world.

If you are asking questions you are starting a scientifc process, from there you can either take steps which are logically correct or logically incorrect.

If you take correct steps you will arrive at conclusions like the posters above, but you will criticize it as being to "sciencey".

You seem to imply some credibility or importantness to being able to take intellectual steps which philosophically do not make sense. If that is true then your initial questions are fairly pointless.

There is a great quote in Derren Browns new book from a kinesiology (an holistic 'healthcare') practitioner

"well, thats why we never do double-blind testing any more; it doesn't work"

If your criticism is that the method is too scientific, you may as well give up discussing it or even thinking about it.
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