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Old 02-21-2007, 01:59 AM
cakewalk cakewalk is offline
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Default I keep hooking up with girls then not wanting anything to do with them

is this a problem? i see it as one. i've had sex with 5 different girls. i've only wanted to talk to one of them the day after sex, and that was my girlfriend of 6 months. like a few weeks later, maybe ill feel like talking to them, but other than that i want nothing to do with them.

the girls seem to be really into me before and after sex, i'm kind of apathetic the entire time. they're all just kind of annoying after i blow my load. it seems like every time i hook up with them the following scenario plays out:

i ignore their texts
i go on aim a lot less
eventually they corner me and ask me why im ignoring them
i beat around the bush (lolololol)
they're like i really like you
at this point i get a vomit taste in my mouth and tell them i dont want anything to do with them.

anyone else experiencing this ? i think it's linked with evolution.
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