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Old 02-20-2007, 06:29 PM
J.A.Sucker J.A.Sucker is offline
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Default Re: High-end Dining: Expectations and Reviews


I love being adventurous at restaurants. After all, I don't like eating at restaurants what I could make at home. Ironically, I think it's very difficult to get truly out of the ordinary food at these types of places. Take spicy food, for example. Most high-end restaurants are fairly pedestrian in terms of how they spice the food. This kind of makes sense because they would hate to burn off some Kennedy's sinuses, but I like spicy food. Many dishes are supposed to be SPICY. They often aren't. That sucks.

I just find that most destination restaurants don't do it for me. I guess I'm hard to please. And yes, I've been to many "great" restaurants.

The fact that most people would ever tolerate ANY kind of snobby service at an expensive restaurant is pretty pathetic in itself and symptomatic of a larger dining societal problem. HOW COULD YOU TOLERATE THIS TO EXIST? If the dude at Jiffy Lube treated you half as bad as some of these waitstaffs, you'd have a stroke, yet we just write off these experiences at fancy restaurants as unfortunate. THEY ARE SELLING THE EXPERIENCE. That's weak-sauce.

I think I'm pretty much done with it.
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