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Old 02-20-2007, 05:28 PM
El Diablo El Diablo is offline
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Default Re: High-end Dining: Expectations and Reviews


I haven't been to Manresa but have heard it is fantastic. I've been to Chez Panisse a couple of times. It is very good, but I think it is overrated. I mean, you get incredible, fresh, seasonal stuff prepared very well. Alice Waters pioneered a lot of what is now standard at a lot of "California Cuisine" places and really blazed the trail for tons of high-end places here to make this sort of simple, fresh food with local, seasonal products (doing this at a time when fine dining pretty much meant heavy sauce, super-rich, French style cuisine). But I just don't find much here to be all that innovative, just a lot of very well executed relatively basic stuff.

I mean, look at the menu:

Everything on there is gonna be delicious. But there's nothing on that list that makes me say, wow, that sounds like something really incredible and different I must try that!

Don't get me wrong, it is very good. I just don't think that you get the sort of sublime dining experience that you get at many of the restaurants it gets compared to.
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