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Old 02-20-2007, 01:13 AM
Josem Josem is offline
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Default Re: the very special 48 hours of death discussion thread

Ok mods, I think this new policy of yours is great and all and actually should have been in place for a long time. But this should extend, in my opinion, to derogatory references about homosexuality and mental disabilities, all of which run RAMPANT throughout BBV/4Life, and offend a sizeable portion of the viewership (myself specifically towards the latter). When you decide "oh hey calling people nazis etc" is not cool and bannable in a forum with Jewish mods but that "lolz retards" or "you're gay" is somehow still hilarious beyond belief, it smacks of privilege. This is a damn internet forum so obviously as mods you can do whatever you want, but if you're only doing it because it offends you but are unwilling to consider things that offend other people, let's at least admit it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with a fair chunk of this.

Racism is just as bad as sexism, homophobia and the rest.

Be aware that the internet is obviously an international network, and thus, subject to foreign laws. Some forms of comments along these lines (most obviously racial villifcation) are illegal in many countries.

(google Dow Jones v Joseph Gutnick for an example that relates to defamation)