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Old 02-19-2007, 06:18 PM
Mi_T_Sharp Mi_T_Sharp is offline
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Default Re: PHIL GORDON!!!!!!!!!!

I saw him on PAD, and I lost any respect I had for him in this one hand where he had A2, made a standard PF raise, and Kaplan called from the BB. The flop was AAK, and Gordon might of made a continuation bet which Kaplan called, or he checked (I forget). The turn was a K, and they both checked. The river was a K, Kaplan bet about 1/4 of the pot, and Gordon hemmed and hawed for a while. "I let you get there with your King, didn't I....yada, yada, yada." He finally did call, but the fact that he did not INSTACALL there (with the stack sizes) was pretty sad. I really thought that he was going to fold.

While thinking, he started talking about how Daniel can make big laydowns like this, and stuff like that. The way he acted while almost folding made it seem like he had no idea what he was doing. The whole sequence was pathetic. Of course, the other players ripped him good for taking so long and almost folding.

Edit: After reading my post, I have to say that I can't say the guy sucks based on one hand, but I just found it mindboggling that a "pro" would hem and haw like he did in this spot. This was one of the only hands of his that I saw during the show.
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