Thread: Black People
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Old 02-18-2007, 11:57 PM
Poker Clif Poker Clif is offline
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Default Re: Black People

The younger the person, the less race is even an issue. The biggest proof of this is how comfortably high school students interact with, and date, people of other races. In the school my children went to, you get baffled looks if you ask whether interracial dating is an issue. It is considered a bizarre question.

However, Sklansky's comment about millionaires is worth considering. Differences are often about class as much as about race. As more blacks reach the middle class, "black people" are much less of a monolith, polticially or any other way. (Has anyone noticed how many blacks are running for high office, in both major parties?) After all, a black dentist or judge probably has at least as much in common with the upper-class white people who live on his block than he does with people, of whatever race, in the local "projects".

By the way, my extended family is mutilracial (black (Carribean)/white/hispanic/Native American) because of adoptions. There are 3 biracial children and one multiracial. Are they to identify only with those of similar skin color? Sometimes the whole racial thing is just silly. In poker, and in life, ultimately we are all individaul humans, all worthy of the same respect.
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