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Old 02-18-2007, 06:47 AM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default for Dems/Repub\'s - who do you NOT want to see nominated for Prez.

Question for Repub's and Democrats - pay attention for I have no patience for fools tonight - This goes double for AC hijacks.

Out of the Candidates running for president ONLY in your favored party, (Republican or Democratic - Libertarians and the rest usually don't have the fields that those two do but feel free to pick one if ya want...) -

which one do you most want to see NOT get the presidental nomination? Your primary motivation will probably be because you don't think they can win - (as I feared with Kerry in 2004) but feel free to elaborate on your reasoning...

for whatever reason - it's no secret Kerry wasn't the first choice for most Democrats in 2004 - let's try to stick to viable candidates who have announced a candidacy or an exploratory committee or have tossed out a potential run...

As for myself, I was discussing in a previous forum tonight I can think of no worse Democratic candidate then Hillary Clinton - Her husband inflammed the Republicans in the 1990's, and I believe her carpetbagger baggage will come back to haunt her - I doubt she could have gotten elected anywhere else but New York, and I doubt she could carry a national election - I think were she nominated, she would not win no matter who she ran against.

As a person who voted Republican in 2000, I'd have voted for McCain and even would have supported him as a VP to a Democratic presidental candidate - but seeing his recent backpedaling has cost him a lot of allies in his own party, esp. his Arizona base who now consider him a liability who is just trying to do anything to get elected. This image will not be lost on the opposition and I believe if he was nominated, he would not win. If I were still a Repub and we were back in 2000, he would have my full support whereas now he would not - in fact, I might have said in 2004 or thereabouts I'd have considered a McCain option even now if it was still the 2000 McCain, but not the 2007 McCain -

you get the idea - who do you think is the worst candidate your party is considering for the nomination and why?

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