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Old 02-17-2007, 03:38 PM
mbillie1 mbillie1 is offline
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Default Re: Probable cause/Reasonable suspicion?

Your buddy's a [censored] pansy caving right away to some useless campus rent-a-cop. You tell them it's your schoolbooks and keep walking. It's not even a crime - just a violation - so even if they throw the book at you it's like $180 and no record. You both probably got all nervous and [censored] and looked uncomfortable. The correct play is to pay no attention to the cop whatsoever and act completely indifferent and bored. Obviously also keep the liquor concealed next time too...

Edit: my friends and I used to have a suite (3 rooms, 2 people per room) and would throw parties in the dorm. We had a beer pong table, several bongs, etc. Our RA (who was cool) tipped us off that the cops were coming, so being on the first floor, we all jumped out the window. One kid got caught. Here is an approximate transcript of his conversation with the cops, so you can adjust your campus-cop-dealing-with-attitude:

Cop: "Where did this beer come from?"
Steve: "I dunno"
Cop: "How did this beer get in here?"
Steve: "Are these questions going somewhere?"
Cop: "Did you buy this beer?"
Steve: "I didn't buy it, no. I might owe some people some money for this beer, though."
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