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Old 02-17-2007, 05:02 AM
pauliewalnuts pauliewalnuts is offline
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Default Re: What Movies Have You Watched Recently?

Pan's Labyrinth - Finally saw this one today. It really lived up to the hype in my opinion. Glad I was able to see it in the theater. 4.5/5

The Crying Game - Forrest Whitaker is such a great actor. Too bad he doesnt have a bigger part. Still a good movie. Stephen rea can act as well. 4/5.

Volver - This was my third Almodovar film( Habla Con Ella, Todo Sobre Tu Madre) and I might go as far as to say it my favorite of the three. It is hard to know what to say about this movie, other than see it if you have the chance. 4.2/5

Notes on a Scandal- Excellent acting in this movie to back up a pretty good story. Does a pretty good job of exploring such a controversial topic in today's society. 3.75/5.

The Painted Veil- Another good movie certainly worth seeing. Very good acting and stunning landscapes. Edward Norton can play anyone. 3.6/5.

Cache(Hidden) - Interesting French movie. Very good acting to go along with a fairly gripping story. 3.75/5.

Summary: I like most every movie I see, some just more than others.