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Old 02-16-2007, 01:23 PM
matt85 matt85 is offline
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Default Re: 10£/20£ go for river c/r?

I think this is played fine as is as, at least to my mind, but then I dont play this high.

I think given the betting and his style there is only one hand that he has that beats you here and thats 44, but perhaps he doesnt pot it on the turn with this. I think his range is pretty much 44 rarely and J8s-KJo here (maybe AJ)most of the time. But aside from 44 which beats you, none of these hands are going to pay off a RR-AI apart from maybe KJ which he value bets on the end and may sometimes call the RR with. However, this is only one specific hand and any other jack checks and folds to the RR, overall though I think value betting here has the higher EV than re-raising , therefore the value bet is ok.

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