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Old 02-16-2007, 12:57 AM
tuq tuq is offline
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Default Re: Interview... the internal kind

OK, serious thoughts.

Knowing these people is huge. Having people that you both know is huge. Having the common bond of the same employer is huge. Granted, other people they're meeting may have those same advantages but you didn't mention whether all the current candidates are internal or not. Bottom line, it's instant rapport building.

I'm going to disagree with pi's point about asking about other applicants. It's actually something I advise. First off, it's something you want to know. Secondly, it implies that you're interested in the position - there's an old saying in hiring, "the company will never be the first to say 'I love you'", meaning candidates need to step up to the plate and show their enthusiasm because not all employers can read minds and aren't likely to engage with someone who is aloof. Asking about other applicants shows that you care. Honestly, I don't see a downside to that at all.

Final tip that I would advise to anyone interviewing, period: before you finish, ask them "how [they] see the fit" for you in that role. This gives you a chance for you to feel them out. A couple of things could happen here - they could say it's a great fit (and you hope they're not lying) or they could express concern about a specific area of your experience that they feel you're light in, etc. This gives you a chance to sell back your qualifications and overcome a potential area of concern. And again, it implies your interest in the position. Even if you're not sure you want the job, you probably at least want the offer.

Anyway, if you feel you excel in meetings with new employers, you should do fine here. They're a ton easier in my experience.
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