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Old 02-15-2007, 05:53 PM
holdme holdme is offline
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Default Re: Al\'s Serious Business Question 2/15/07


It blows because its a novelty and people have started to realise the internet was never designed for pretensious people to discuss the best cigar to have with a nice glass of wine whilst your butler disposes of the hooker you killed for sport and light entertainment by hunting her in your orchard in your private Winchester estate using a bloodhound name Cuthbert and a double barrel shotgun called Vera all the while singing the songs from Gone with the Wind and wondering if it makes you gay to sing such songs all whilst forgetting its having the stable hand blow you next to your prizewinning showjump horse that is actually what makes you gay, a condition probably related to the constant abuse you recieved from your grandfather, a man so important his surname preceded "the 3rd" who insisted on light bondage and buggery with you, all whilst making such ludicrous claims as to have invented the question mark and had an extra marrital affair with Flight Leuitenant Gruber during World War 2 and use such a time as to garrot Gruber, fashion a simple but effective spear weapon from a lamp on the nightstand, a two foot dildo and some shoe laces and a tin of boot polish found in the foot locker next to his Luger in order to escape the POW Camp in German, make it to France and help train the resistance in Guerrilla tactics which became a key turning point in holding back the nazi war machine and allowing the Allies to gain a foothold with the D-Day landing at Normandy.

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Wow. And all in one sentence.
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