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Old 02-15-2007, 04:43 PM
nath nath is offline
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Default Re: johnny hughes answer this

johhny post some more. i believe you were around and from texas as you knew the right names to drop and have some of the stories right. so welcome here and please tell stories of the past. our posters and readers love them as its an insight to the good old days that are long gone. the days when gamblers were unsavory characters with lots of stories under their belts of things done on the road to make a living.
those games you played in were still de cent sized games in those years and that money bought alot more than now. it took one hella good player and money man to hold onto any sum for longer than a week as something was always happenning to con a person from their cash.
not many people have heard of goodie. i played hundreds of times with him. he primarily was a terrific player but played extremely tight with little action. but played oh so good when he was in there. not much of a threat though. except when he had a few drinks. then he became the most fearsome player of all time. not only did he still play well but did all sorts of things to you in the pots. no one like to play with goodie when he had a few drinks. believe you me he could play. but unfortunetly for him, he didnt stop and after a few more his game went sour. so ulimately drinking not only cost him big money but probably also was one of the reasons he died, but thats a guess on my part.

goodie was from somewhere back in tennesee or someplace not texas but very could have run a game there as then all players traveled and did what they could to survive.

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Your description of goodie sounds very much like T.J. Cloutier's description of Bill Smith (particularly w/r/t how drinking affected his game).
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