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Old 02-15-2007, 03:14 PM
Red_Diamond Red_Diamond is offline
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Default Re: Stud variance :(

argggh. Well yesterday I couldn't take anymore. I shut everything down, went and Played Civ IV all night and tried to get my mind off all those beats. Today I woke up, decided it's a new day, and I can start new & fresh. I decided to wipe out all superstitions of card gods screwing me and play my best ( as always).

Nope... Again this morning my bad streak just continued at my tables. I got sucked out and sucked out over & over again. By the same retards. That is Capital R for RETARD. I don't think Donkey is a term I want to use at this point. I have AAK for example with A showing. I raise first to act. And the 100% vpip donkey of course calls. I pair my ace... TRIP ACES! I'm raising again. Donkey who starts with 27Q rainbow of course calls all the way without so much as a pair or flush draw and backdoors some crazy low straight. Over and over this morning I just could do absolutely NO RIGHT!!!

I don't play on tilt, but I sure am feeling certain effects trying to come through. Just for the reccord, I have read Chip's stud chapter for years and know it by heart, I also have read and re-read Ray Zee's ADVANCED stud over & over again. I still don't claim to be an expert, but I do know a fair well I think? At least far more than these... 'RETARDS'

Again I am puzzled, at how can I possibly ever move up the limits in this rediculous variance game when RETARDS are just kicking my a$$ left and right.

I was hoping today to reply to this thread and report some different news.. how really playing well does turn around and add +ev, unfortuntaly I've just dug myself a bigger hole.

I'm taking a break now to hide my head back under the rock I was hiding under yesterday. Just MAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYBE later on today I'll try another stab at this downswing. I don't know but I definitely need another break.
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