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Old 02-15-2007, 01:17 PM
grdred944 grdred944 is offline
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Default Re: DN\'s momma needs a spliff

I've read most of these posts. In Danny's blog he points out that most of the people offended are white (how he knows that I have no clue). With the same speculative research as Danny had I will say that most of the people that have no problem with this are also white. So the question of who has a problem or not is a wash.

What Negreanu fails to grasp -- on a regular basis I might add -- is that he is not a comedian by trade. Even comedians cannot get away with the stuff they used to. Hell, Damon Wayans was banned from the same comedy club as KKKramer after he also used the 'n' word. Danny needs to realize that we live in a world where the climate is such that it is not worth it to do those types of things that can be seen as insensitive.

The underlying problem with the guy is not that he is a racist (I don't think he is) but that he has this constant need for attention and does many many goofy things to get it. Whether it is saying positive things about the Iranian President while trashing George Bush, browbeating Phil Gordon for being critical of his friend E-Dog, or dressing up in blackface, Negreanu has shown that he will say and do almost anything to keep himself in the limelight.

The issue is ego, not race.
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