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Old 02-15-2007, 12:23 PM
tehox tehox is offline
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Default Re: So who in here wants the US to fail in Iraq?

I think its important to note that 21% of Repulicans say that don't want it to succed or don't know.

To kind of answer what you're getting at is that I think the existence of a signifcant wing of the Democratic Party that "hates America" or "wants the terrorists to win" is a myth. It has been something that has been pushed very hard by Bush and Co. to marginalize those that disagree with their policies. And I do spend time at DailyKos for example and I encourage others to do the same (I spend time on both conservative and liberal blogs), and you will be hard pressed to find those that truly hope for failure.

I would probably agree with Iron on this one. Also,I think that there is a tremendous amount of anger and skepticism over Bush's handling of the war, and this might play into an answer someone might give if questioned if how they feel about Bush's "plans" for Iraq.

But I'll let you in on a little secret, noone wants the terrorists to win, nooone wants American soldiers to die, noone hates America, etc..
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