Thread: Can't beat 25NL
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Old 02-15-2007, 12:13 PM
Fore59 Fore59 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 44
Default Re: Can\'t beat 25NL

I've never played 10NL so I don't know what it is like at that limit. I have played a ton of 25NL though, and I find a straight forward TAG style works like a charm.

By TAG I mean 22/17/3.5. There are a ton of weak/tight players at this level that are just waiting for you to run over them. Everything is pretty much straight forward at this level. Opponents will let you know right away whether or not they have a big hand. Raising is a big deal in 25NL.

There are exceptions of course, and you will have to mix up your game every now and then so you don't become predictable. But honestly at 25NL most people don't pay attention enough to realize what you are doing. The key is learning to pick out the other 1 or 2 decent players at the table. Rarely will there be more than 1 or 2 other decent players. For the most part, just play a very simple straight forward TAG style and you should be fine.

Also, if you've lost 6 buy-ins because your opponents have hit 6 outers on the river I'm not sure what the hell you are worried about. Yeah it sucks, but my advice is not to bitch and complain about it. You got all your money in the middle in a terrific situation and lost. Those are extremely +EV situations, so be happy you got the money in when you did. Who gives a [censored] if you ended up losing?
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