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Old 02-15-2007, 10:52 AM
RockSteady7 RockSteady7 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 34
Default Re: I need help playing after flop.

1. these are your post-flop questions and you're still beating this game? address please.

2. value bet.

3. NL against calling stations is not the time for multi-street bluffing on a consistent basis.

4. if you must, learn the overbet, see how they react to 2x pot shoves on the end (try it with the nuts first, then see if it might work). use with extreme caution, but even donks have some fear of huge bets.

5. value bet.

6. forget the overbet, it's just gonna complicate things when solid poker will easily crush this game that you describe.

7. value bet.
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