Thread: Circumcision
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Old 02-14-2007, 05:26 PM
XXXNoahXXX XXXNoahXXX is offline
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Default Re: Circumcision

I really don't see the need for it any more. I mean I'm sure it was practical for cleanliness back when people didn't have regular access to a shower. I think as long as you teach your child to be clean about it, then there is no need. Its an unnecessary practice to cut a piece of an infant's flesh off. And I know that kid's don't have memory that far back, but it just seems that cutting open a child's penis just after he's born, when he's going to be urinating and defecating all over it, doesn't seem to be the best way to say "Welcome to the World"!

There are some conflicting studies about whether or not it increases chances of certain diseases, particularly HIV. In fact, I read that a study in Africa had to be called off because they said it was unethical to continue to not circumcise some people.

Plus there is that whole "covenant with God" thing.
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