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Old 02-13-2007, 01:53 AM
suzzer99 suzzer99 is offline
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Default Re: Instant Classics


But what really makes it transcend to 'instant classic' status to me is the progression of the song as a whole. It slowly builds up, getting busier, more frantic. By the time the choir has joined in the song has progressed to basically be one continuous, blasphemous wall of sound. And just when it breaks out into panic, just when it becomes overwhelming, the song plummets to the outtro. And all that's left is the harmony of one guitar and one bass dancing in perfect unison. And all is at peace.

[/ QUOTE ]

Blasphemous wall of sound? SWEET. I would offer Fake Plastic Trees and Deep Inside You by Third Eye Blind as flawless examples of this concept. Both songs give me massive goosebumps everytime I hear them. I just worry they might be a little too obscure for the idea I have for instant classic. But screw it, I just expanded the definition.
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