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Old 02-12-2007, 06:44 PM
redCashion redCashion is offline
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Default Whose cash game does Sbrugby not respect?

The casino held the taping at an auditorium where Townsend took on both television tables, including the infamous first table consisting of Daniel Negreanu, Patrick Antonious, Brad Booth, David Benyamine, Antonio Esfandiari, Phil Ivey, and John D'agostino. Negreanu referred to the table in his blog as “arguably the toughest eight handed cash game in history.” D'Agastino reportedly dead panned that it “was the worst table ever.” As a result, to Townsend's credit, he felt respected.

“I got tons of respect for my play I felt like. Although a lot of the guys [at the table] aren't the best No Limit Hold 'em cash players, they are all smart people and realize when a young guy walks in with 750k to play a game, he is going to be good at it. Also a lot of the guys had played with me on Full Tilt and respect, I think, my game. I did get a lot of comments like 'Uh oh, here's the online wizard!' and stuff like that. I kind of played along with it.”

“Second day was a softer line up,” Townsend continues. “Overall though the games I play online are much tougher than the players in these games.”

“I thought it was pretty funny how Daniel Negreanu was complaining that the first day table was too tough. He just wouldn't quit and kept going on and on instead of playing.”

[/ QUOTE ]

I just found this interesting, and unless his quote is taken out of context it looks like he is referring to some members of the day one table not being the best NL cash game players. But I don't see a single player other than Negreanu (and maybe Antonio) whose chops can even be questioned.

I also love that he LOLed at Daniel for being a baby and griping about the table all day.
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