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Old 02-12-2007, 12:05 AM
MoolahMuerte MoolahMuerte is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 47
Default Re: Fulltilt\'s Not Closing

If you talk to FullTilt - please tell them that simply adding payment processors is not good enough. They need to arrange a deal with them to give those of us who cashed out before the downfall of neteller a reason to get back in. What's with the incredible fees and monthly subscriptions? When neteller operated, they told me they made their money FROM THE SERVICE PROVIDERS - which was why it was free for us to use (other than instacash).

Now FTP seems to be saying - "hey we found these guys who'll take your money - good luck with that - hope it works out - and by the way fees up the wazoo are the wave of the future." Having a deal would mean these processors have some "skin in the game" - i.e., they would be dependent upon FTP for payment and thus would only get involved if they felt secure FTP would be able to pay. Its not much - but its something.

I also want them to issue some sort of public statement as to why they are not going to be forced out of business once these new regulations under the UIGEA kick in - how exactly legally speaking are they going to operate in the us in a reasonably efficient manner - primarily on the point of money transfers? Of course, i could hire a private jet to bring them bearer bonds for deposit and they could trade me kahwanmukisukkee fur pelts upon my withdrawal - but that's not going to cut it. What is the basis for neteller to just give up, credit card companies to ban gambling transactions, CHEXX to pull out of the gambling market, banks to deny check deposits etc. but other means are going to be hunky-dory? The devil is in the details and they need to spell it out.

Please remember just recently they offered click2pay and that went down the toilet rather quickly (with some people getting screwed in the process).

There is a squeeze going on here to take as much as they can until it becomes clear they can't operate as they used to.

Please also tell them as a long time customer - it is in the end a trust and customer service issue - and until I personally see some vast improvement and more clarification as to what is really going on and what the future holds - I won't be playing anymore - and anyone who asks ill tell them to stay away.

(Sorry for the rant - but it really irritates me when companies obviously have no regard for the intelligence of their customers and seem to think we are douche-like atms that froth at the mouth when they can't feed their habit)
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