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Old 02-11-2007, 01:56 PM
AaronBrown AaronBrown is offline
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Default Re: Limit Hold\'em - loose 10k hands in a row?

In addition to Kerth and SpaceAge's point that no one is talking about going 10,000 or 20,000 hands without winning one pot, there are two problems with your friend's calculation.

First is that not everyone plays the same way. A tight player will win fewer than 10% of the pots, by design. He can still be a winning player. The average player will win 10%, but the average player loses money. So that doesn't tell you anything about winning.

Second, losing 100 hands in a row with an independent 10% chance of winning each hand is not 10 to 1 against but 0.9^100 or about 38,000 to 1 against. Losing 1,000 in a row is 6 followed by 45 zeros to 1 against, not 100 to 1 against.
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