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Old 02-10-2007, 12:21 AM
d10 d10 is offline
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Default Aggressive driving tips

Hopefully this thread will be just as useful as the safe driving tips thread. Share your tips for negotiating the roadways at peak efficiency!

Driving fast in the right lane: When I'm travelling at >10+ MPH, I like to stay as far right as possible. You're less likely to be pulled over, and ironically, it usually allows you to travel faster than the guys who hang out in the left lane, since nobody likes driving in the far right lane, especially on 3+ lane highways. The only exception:

Own the middle lane: During periods of medium density traffic, the middle lane is often best. This allows you two options for passing, right or left, whereas in the extreme lanes you can only pass on one side.

Don't use turn signals: This lets people know you want to get in front of them. You've probably been driving in a manner which pisses them off, and even if not, most people won't want you in front of them anyways. Don't give them more information than is necessary to stop you. Just wait until a safe opportunity presents itself, and gogogo. By the time they realize you're coming over, it's too late.

Force your way into traffic: Someone already established in a lane may have the legal right of way, but if you want his spot, you have the physical advantage as merging traffic. If someone is providing at least a foot of space between him and the car in front, start to change lanes as the gap is about 3/4 of the way back on your car. Push as far as you can into his lane without hitting either car. You can use your turn signal here, but only after you've started to change lanes. It's telling the guy you don't intend to change lanes, you ARE changing lanes, so GTFO of the way. Since your car's nose angles in first, you can squeeze it right into the gap, and if you do it right, you're essentially creating a situation where the car behind will have to make a conscious decision to run into your car if he wants to continue fighting for position. No one ever does this. You win every time.

Using onramps to pass: This is especially useful on 2 lane highways, which I drive on a lot. Many times you'll see a slow moving truck trying to pass another slow moving truck but the truck being passed is being a douchebag and doesn't see any reason why he should have to change the way he's driving, so sometimes you're stuck for literally miles going 10 under the speed limit because the truck just can't make the pass. A good solution is to use onramps to pass on the right. They are usually long enough to get past a slow moving semi trailer. Passing at highway speeds on shoulders can be dangerous, onramps are guaranteed to be clean and solid surfaces. When you see an exit sign coming up, get ready.
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