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Old 02-09-2007, 04:25 PM
ZBTHorton ZBTHorton is offline
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Default Re: 2008 Presidential primaries thread

A couple of things,

#1. Anyone who thinks Rudy has any chance of getting elected is completely delusional. What Republican is going to vote for a guy who's anti guns, pro gay, and pro abortion? In fact, why is he a Republican anyway? Top that off with marrying his cousin, his affair with his communication director and his divorce from his second wife. He has 0 chance once everyone in America learns anything about him.,1,7692936.story?amp;cset=true&ctrack=1&cs et=true

As far as Hillary goes, I definitely think she has a solid chance to get the democrat nomination. She has basically unlimited resources, and has probably the best campaigner alive in her corner. She made some big mistakes early on the Iraq war, but once she realized she needed to change in order to run for President she did. I personally hate her guts, and think she acts like a stuck up bitch all the time..but whatever.

Barrack Obama has a lot more chance than a lot of people give him credit for. A lot of people say he doesn't have much experience, but not every president has a lot of experience going into the position. George W and JFK are two examples. He also has unlimited money resources just like Hillary, and this will definitely help him get his name out there and make people realize his name shouldn't be a problem.

Everyone is saying that Barrack is polling badly with the poor black community, but that should be fairly obvious. As a general rule, the lower the income range you are in the less involved in politics you are. So of course they are going to support Hillary Clinton, who they know WAY more about.

If you think a Black man is going to get a democratic nomination, and be one of two men to vote for for president and NOT get the black vote...I think your delusional. As for the primaries, a much larger % of white people vote than black people, so it's almost a non-issue against Hillary.
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