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Old 02-09-2007, 12:13 PM
ScottieK ScottieK is offline
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Default Re: Air your beefs about Bill Clinton

Funny, I was thinking about this today.

Near the tops on my list is the retroactive tax increase of 1993. I usually have a problem with tax increases in general, but how the F$^# can people get on board with a retroactive law for anything? Changing the rules after the game is played is bulls#$%. I was not surprised to find out that Clinton's retroactive taxation had legal precedent...retroactive taxation has been around since the 1930's and has been consistently found constitutional by the Supreme Court. Ex post facto clauses only apply to criminal laws, not civil laws. Effin great.

Clinton's retroactive taxation brought on two years of stagnation and no tax revenue growth. IMO it led to the ousting of the Democratically controlled congress, so maybe I can thank Clinton for that. Then Clinton signed the tax cuts proposed by the new Republican congress, and things started rolling. Naturally, Clinton took all the credit.

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