Thread: Documentaries
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Old 02-09-2007, 02:03 AM
thedorf thedorf is offline
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Default Re: Documentaries

Gobble Gobble.

Judging by the rest of your list though, you've missed a few.

BURDEN OF DREAMS is a documentary about the making of the movie FITZCARRALDO. First you have to see FITZCARRALDO, then BURDEN OF DREAMS. FITZCARRALDO is directed by a man named Werner Herzog who ate his shoe after Errol Morris (director of vernon, fla.) made his first movie (GATES OF HEAVEN). morris wouldn't get off his ass, so herzog told him he'd eat his shoe if he made a movie. Well, he ate his shoe and someone filmed it. it's an extra on the Burden of Dreams DVD.

Also, "hearts of darkness" It's the making of Apocalypse Now. You'll trust me if you see the movies above.
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