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Old 02-08-2007, 05:02 AM
jackal47 jackal47 is offline
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Default Re: Fun with OCD - Time for updates(long)

I have the same with correcting things, especially hand written things if I do a letter and the points don't meet, it's very hard to ignore. More so if I notice it in someone else's writing like on a board at my language school, I can't concentrate on learning because something written on the board doesn't meet.

I also have cleaning fits, where I just have to clean something, even if everything is clean I can find something as nothing is ever that clean right?

I frequently rub my fingers together or play with an object, when I'm at work it is ok as my hands are busy, but during a film or something I have to play with something, quite annoying for my g/f so try to do it in pocket or out of sight, then I look like I'm playing with my nuts, not a problem at home, but maybe in the cinema.

I do this when playing poker too, if live I play with the card protector and at home I play with 2 balls, you know the ones you can move around your hand that are supposed to be relaxing? Well I do that as long as I can (usually a few minutes) before being told the noise is annoying, then I will just play with my fingers or something quiet.

Things have to be straight, like a table mat at a table, if it isn't parallel with the edge of the table it must be moved.

We have 2 microwaves at work, and every time I go there they are not aligned (one is on top of the other) So I move it, and also frequently move all the chairs in the kitchen at work so they are straight to the table (up to 40 chairs)

Stapling things, the corners have to be the same or I have to do it again. It drives me crazy when I see other people's stapling that isn't straight.

I count my steps whenever I walk alone and can only walk 10 steps on the same surface so find myself making a large step to try and step on a stick or some gum so I can start from 1 again. Or sometimes I will just guess how many steps I will walk until my destination and then start counting.

Subconcious nailbiting, have seem to overcome this with addition of some nail clippers on my keys.

I have to move my big toe over my next toe, frequently, and if I am trying on new shoes this is my main criteria for not buying if I can't move the toe.

I guess thats all I can think of, my sister has it too,her main thing is washing her hands all the time, and frequently til she bleeds, at least I don't hurt myself, I just annoy other people.
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