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Old 02-08-2007, 02:57 AM
Spladle Spladle is offline
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Default Re: More on being lazy and smart and being a fair but not extreme succ

1. Poker message boards like this one attract poker players. Poker attracts smart people who want to make money without having to follow a schedule.

2. The reason you don't put forth your best effort at a lot of things is that you don't actually value the payoff as much as you think you do. If you want to stop half-assing stuff, you should think about whether what you're doing is really what you want to be doing.

3. I don't think it's easy to overanalyze things and your example is pretty poor. You don't stick to these goals you set because they are arbitrary and they don't matter. It sounds to me like you really don't want to be going to grad school.

4. I don't know you from Adam so I have no idea just how overweight you are, but does being so bother you? If it does and you want to change it, there are a number of steps you can take to do so that I'm sure you've thought of. For example, don't keep food in your place of residence that you don't deem desirable. It's amazing how refraining from buying "junk food" at the grocery store can alter a person's eating habits.

5. I'm not familiar with the limon hypothesis. However, conquering fear isn't something that everyone is good at. There's really no "trick" to doing it - either you can force yourself to get over something or you can't.
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