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Old 02-06-2007, 12:15 AM
urko888_ urko888_ is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 46
Default Re: I\'m really depressed about the state of online poker now

I too agree w/ the general bleakness of this thread.

First there are the jack off congressmen telling people that poker is evil and it should be banned. So facist, but really just the tip of the iceberg under the current administration.

We have a Department of Justice targeting anyone high up in the world of online gambling due to the fact that, newsflash, gambling can be used to launder money! This is basically the DOJ shutting down a financial market/economy because it can't control the money supply! Think about that for a second. If Uncle Sam isn't in charge, like he is w/ the most respected currency in the world, the dollar, he wants to shut down the game, literally!

Then we have an Office of the Vice President (OVP) setting up secret working groups designed to figure out ways to make Iran look bad on the world stage. If is a fact that Dick Cheany has set up his own National Security Office working group within the VOP that can read NSA, CIA, and FBI emails, yet doesn't have to share any of it's own info. This is a man who three years ago was telling Iran to "take a number" in terms of it being next on his hit list. Who do you think is feeding the press "theories" that Iranian forces are behind every spectacular attack in Iraq.

The bottom line is this country has ways to go before the population really rises up and changes the way politicians operate. When I say "ways to go" I think of things like an accidental war (see WWI) set off by one of our carrier battle groups now parked right new to Iran. Or the collapse of the dollar. Or another terrorist incident. Or a Watergate type incident, the VP's chief of staff just committed treason by outing the idenitity of a intelligence agent after all. The list goes on and on.

Unfortunately there is nothing the average American can do about it all. All you can really do is vote libertarian, continue to play online poker/promote the game in general, and give a healthy FU to the man.
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