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Old 02-05-2007, 03:04 PM
RockSteady7 RockSteady7 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 34
Default Awesome Dice Game (Dudo, Liar\'s Dice)

Just wondering if anyone else has played this. Played for the first time last night, it's amazing, very similar to poker but more intuitive since people seem to grasp dice probabilities better than poker ones. Ended up playing for 4+ hours, definitely play if you can.

Usually start with 4-5 players, each with 4-5 dice (whatever, just speeds up the game). You each have a cup, shake up your dice in it and turn it over on the table. Everyone peeks at their dice, and someone starts the bidding. He will say "2 fours" for example, claiming that he believes there are at least 2 dice showing 4 among everyone's dice. Go around in a circle bidding, next person has to either up the value shown (ie "two fives, two sixes"), or up the number of dice ("3 twos, 3 fours"), can lower the shown value on the dice if he increases the # of dice. The round ends when someone, rather than upping the bidding, calls bluff on the last bid, and everyone reveals their dice. If the bid was true(there were at least 2 fives amongst everyone's dice, using the "two fives" example), then the bluff-caller discards one of his dice. If the bid was wrong (too high), then the bidder loses one die. New round starts, with the person who just lost a die opening the bidding. Game continues until only one person has dice left. Also, if someone is down to one die, he always opens the bidding. If >1 people have 1 die, they alternate opening the bidding.

Strategy is real interesting, as oftentimes early low bids are total bluffs (good idea) because while they are probably true, the bidder makes the claim without actually basing it on what his dice show. EX: I see I have 4 6's, 1 two after I roll, but I open the bidding at "three 3's". Naturally as the bidding gets higher bluffs get riskier and riskier. I think this is probably similar to bridge bidding, although I've never played the game, just sorta know the rules. Heads up is amazing too.

Anyhow, hope someone else has played, if not, definitely do, I think it would be a great intro for poker meta-strategy for beginners, and it's definitely a lot easier to pick up. Kinda funny, while we were watching the super bowl 4 of us were playing poker, eventually 2 people lose all their money and quit and we don't feel like playing heads up, so someone suggests liar's dice, within 10 minutes everyone in the room is playing (8 ppl), while poker had scared most off. Too bad I hadn't played before, as some people wanted to play for money, and by the end of the night I would gladly have taken that bet [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
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