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Old 02-05-2007, 01:56 AM
Big Bend Big Bend is offline
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Default I\'m really depressed about the state of online poker now

I've been a lifelong Libertarian Republican (ever since I regretted voting for Mondale), and have always voted for the conservatives in any election. But whats happened lately with the efforts to shutdown online gaming has got me really depressed. I've devoted much of the last 3 years learning this game, studying constantly, reading 100+ poker books, buying instructional DVDs and software and subscriptions to cardrunners.. I've always been a lifelong strategy game lover (board games, computer wargames, backgammon & more) and poker was the ultimate. Now that the people I voted for are taking it away from me I'm quite hurt, depressed, anxious. I live in TX where cardrooms are not legal.. live games I find to be too slow and boring anyway (especially NL live). Ya there may always be a way to fund online poker and withdraw somehow, but its not gona be the same until its legalized someday, and I don't see that happening anytime soon. So I'm left with this huge void crashing down on me, with feelings of loss and anger.

Not to mention that I was a winning player and the loss of extra hobby $$ is gona hurt.. tho I'm lucky to have a nice career, I had hoped to use poker winnings as a major fund for various purposes. But alas...

Too bad the Democrats suck worse than the Republicans for everything else (in my opinion). Like a friend of mine recently said, its not so bad getting old with everything going to hell, just leave it all for everybody else to deal with.

Its all very depressing.. Not just the demise of online poker but life in general and the world as we know it. I'm really worried about whats gona happen to my children and grandchildren someday. I fear the worst.

Any suggestions for getting over this depression and trying to remain positive about the future would be much appreciated right now. I know we here in the USA are still much better off than 95% of the planet, and overall my life is great.. just trying to keep things in perspective.

L8r.. BB
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