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Old 02-04-2007, 01:39 AM
ImprovinNewbie ImprovinNewbie is offline
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Default Re: Putting a Player on a Hand

all of these things. the book that taught me the most about reading hands (and now, especially against predictable players i can call out there hands) is HOH3. the action in the hand will dictate what they have. a raise preflop means a certain range of hands, for most players. a certain size bet on a certain texture board means certain things. and so on. reading the texture of the board is very important. knowing what flops might have hit your opponent. always knowing what draws are out there and how your man may or may not play their draw. hand reading is rarely about puting someone on one hand, its about putting them on several and playing as appropriatly as possible for all of them. sometimes a villian wil bet small on the river and you will think they have been on a draw the whole time but know they wont bet that certain size without looking for a call, or they will when they miss a draw. if its very small you may have ot call anyway because you are pot commited. conversely you may have to laydown what you are pretty sure is the best hand to a BIG bet when a draw hits even if you are pretty sure you are good, b/c the number of times you arent wont make up for the number of times you are good. a combination of math, logic, and a little bit of instinct will make you a good hand reader.
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