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Old 02-02-2007, 01:58 PM
ravensfan ravensfan is offline
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Default Re: The Well: Performify

Thanks for doing this Performify....

I've always wondered what separates a pro capper from an amateur? Besides arbing, and line movements?
Specifically, how does one create a database, find a "spot", and quanitify the soft variables (such as motivation)?
Also, when researching, what level does one go to? For example in NFL, would the matchup of specific linemen play much of a role? ie. This DT always does well vs finesse, zone blockers, so he should get through and disrupt the rhthym etc. etc...? Or is it more wholistic: "this O-line is big and physical and should have success vs. a smallish, but fast D-Line" ??
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