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Old 02-02-2007, 12:29 PM
G-Diddy20 G-Diddy20 is offline
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Default Andy Black really a prick?

Anyone have any experience with the guy? I thought he was supposed to be some Buddhist convert or whatever, but lately I get the impression he is just a degenerate prick. I cite these examples to back my claim.

1.) At the recent TOC, he was wearing an eminem shirt. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, I listen to eminem. I do however find it strange that a man in his..early 40's???...would wear one, much less a buddhist convert. His lyrics aren't exctly targeted at "buddhists"
2.) He kept making fun of Matusow at the TOC while looking at Daniel to make sure he was laughing. I mean, just came across as really childish...
3.) At the Borgata 10k I was sitting in the lobby and he damn near knocked some women over and he just kept walking not saying excuse me, sorry, etc.
4.) At the same tournament he was smoking a cigarette in the lobby and preceded to "flick" the cigarette on the marble floor ground and stomp it out when there was a trash can/ash tray within 5 feet of him. Was dressed really scroungy also.

Anyone play with the guy and have some more experience with him. I guess I could be way off base here but those examples are all true...

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